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Ripa Exchange is a hybrid-decentralized exchange with an emphasis on lowering the entry level for opening new exchanges and providing safe and secure trading partners with cryptors for daily work. The project seeks to ensure transparency between the exchange of crypto-currency assets. The main goal of the project is to promote e-wallets and the virtual currency industry. Ripaex seeks to use credentials to provide in-depth data that is consistent with the developers of the exchange. Ripaex provides the opportunity to make the right decisions to ensure the success of the project. Also Ripaex seeks to analyze the real probable profit that the country takes in exchange for crypto-currency. This is a substitute for a cryptoactive asset for centralized exchange in the stock market.
So, summing up a little of the above, I want to highlight the main idea of ​​the project presented to us. The basis of the idea of ​​the project is to create a completely new and perfect crypto-exchange, which will replace the existing system on the market and allow users to get involved in the trade in crypto currency, getting maximum benefit from this. I think that the current system needs a new vision of the crypto-currency market, so the introduction of such projects as Ripaex will be very welcome.

The RipaEx venture will have its own blockchain called Ripa which will be kept running on the DPOS convention and has the XPX token image running on it that will fill the five after needs:
  • to list incipient digital forms of mazuma on Ripa Exchanges.
  • to publicize incipient activities.
  • to purchase RipaEx contrivance on the RipaEx Store.
  • to pay for the offer of merchandise and administrations on approved affiliates with our RipaEx POS (Point of Sale).
  • to apportion liquidity between Ripa Exchanges in a homogeneous system.

Open source
Ripa Exchange is and will dependably be free for trade administrators: you will just need to pay for the server, arrange security tasks, call focus administrators and different assets expected to commence the trade and give paid avail to your clients.
You can make all the consequential customizations in the source code, as the whole source base is discharged under the MIT sanction. This is an incredible chance to run your neighborhood exchanger - this strategy for procuring today is the best and prominent.
Security is greatly ameliorated than in subsisting concentrated banks
The AES256 encryption keys and the whole swapping plan are worked with an attention on security. Ruby on Rails is kenned to be a forfended advancement condition for designers, yet we opted to re-balance the first Peatio database to plenarily isolate the customer registry from the exchanging motor, so no cessation-client information will be imperiled if an aggressor can viably surmount the principal level of security. There are ecumenical norms for AML/KYC to assure consistence with any exchanger of your nation to which you require to incorporate your venture.
Ripa liquidity specialist co-op
RLSP is intended to empower you to offer your clients liquidity from the main day of your swaps: your incipient Ripa Exchange occasion will interface with the RIPA * blockchain to get the liquidity accessible in the trade organization. Trade a, which opens a request, will get 0.10% as an exchange charge.
Token & ICO Details
  • Token Name: XPX
  • Supply: 115 Million XPX
  • Tokens for Sale: 74,750,000 XPX
  • RIPA TEC: July to December 2018



Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link:;u=1680409


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